With Offset Headstock

Chisel-ploughing the Ndume way means:
- More Acres cultivated with less fuel used.
- Leaves your moisture from the previous season underground – where it should be.
- Moisture penetrates deep down into the soil profile when it rains.
- Eliminates hard pans caused by conventional ploughing.
- Soil erosion is cut down to a minimum.
- Leaves your field in a state that means one harrowing is usually enough for a seed bed.
- Generally, crop yields will be increased due to better moisture conservation and soil conditioning.
- The offset Headstock takes care of tractors with a tire track wider than the plough.
The Main Frame Material
• 100mm x 100mm high stress box section
• Distance between tines .. 12 Inch
• Number of banks .. .. .. .. 2
• Width of frame .. .. .. .. ..5ft
• 3-point linkage mounting brackets category 2
• Low draft type tines with reversible spring-steel points
• Each tine is equipped with a 5/8” Shear Bolt designed to shear if large obstacles are encountered (rocks, roots, etc)
• Number of tines 5
• Under beam clearance 610mm
• Inter-tine clearance 24 inch
The Chisel ploughs are manufactured in sizes to suit tractors from 75 – 85 hp. They can be supplied with or without the Crumble Rollers.